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- 거침없이 쓰는 아이들
거침없이 쓰는 아이들
[디베이트 에세이] 온라인 쇼핑에 대한 찬반 | 관리자 / 2017.06.26 | |
The ability to read and comprehend texts is expanded through talking and writing;
어떤 text를 읽고 이해한다 라는 것은 우리가 생각하는 것보다 복잡한 과정을 거치게 된다. 따라서, 학습의 중추인 Literacy 능력 향상을 위해 텍스트를 읽은 후 다양한 정리나 비판적 의견을 말이나 글로 표현하는 것은 필수이다.
여러분은 주로 온라인 쇼핑을 통해서 물건을 구입하시나요? 아니면 상점을 직접 찾아가서 보시고 구입을 하시나요? 이 문제에 대해서 남효(초 6) 학생이 자신의 입장을 이야기 합니다. 온라인 쇼핑은 시간을 절약해 주고 사람들과 부딪힐 필요가 없으며 24시간 언제든지 나만의 시간에 주문을 할 수 있어서 더 좋다고 하는군요. 우리가 많은 양을 빨리 많이 받아들이는 지식 중심의 교육도 중요하겠지만 이와 같이 논란이 될 수 있는 삶의 주제에 대해서 리서치를 통해 자료와 논거를 정리하고 글로 쓰고 발표해 보는 것은 학생들의 생각을 더욱 깊게 하여 우리 자녀들의 미래에 큰 힘이 될 것이라 믿습니다 . 남효 학생의 글을 읽으면서 여러분도 여러분의 의견에 대한 논거와 근거를 정리해 보시죠 ^^ Online Shopping is Better than Going Shopping Have you ever imagined what if happen if online shopping mall disappeared? Then what would happen? We would always need to go market to shop. Also we need to carry all the heavy things and need to go out every time we need to buy things. It is very inconvenient. Today in my assignment (speech), I am going to write (tell you) about the topic ‘It is better to go shopping than to shop online’. I am going to introduce some arguments that online shopping is better. I am also going to argue that we should use more online shopping than offline shopping. In the three paragraphs, I will write (tell you) three arguments that say online shopping is better than offline shopping. First argument is we have no crowd and rude people. Second argument is online shopping is easy to shop. Last argument is it opens 24hours. Also I am going to write (tell you) supporting details about three arguments that say online shopping is better. I am sure after reading (listening) to my assignment (speech), you too sill also believe online shopping is better than offline shopping. My first reason why people believe online shopping is better than offline shopping is there are no crowds and rude people. Sometimes stores can be full with people and lines can be too long. Also we have to deal with rude people. According to www.marketwatch.com, they had some investigation of people’s complaint of market. 72.6% was the ‘full of people’. This shows that most of the people were very inconvenient of the lines and too many people. Also in some store’s online reviews, people were annoyed about rude people who bumps to other person without saying sorry or who cuts in line. But some people might say in online shopping, there could be full of people too. If too many people access to online shopping, server could be stop and no one can use the online shopping mall. According to www.ludwig.guru.com they said there are some online shopping malls what had sever was stopped such as G market and Auction etc. Also in markets there could be dangers such as rude people but in online stores have more dangers. According to www.forbes.com, they said that in online shopping there are so many dangers such as fake online reviews, lack of full cost or Identity thefts. That may be true but most of the stores have a solution of stopped server and security systems to protect the people from dangers. For fake online review, people put with pictures so we can trust them. Also for identity theft, we have systems such as changing password or other things. My second reason is online shopping is easy to shop more than offline shopping. In online shopping mall, there are organized categories of product and searching system what can help people to buy product easily. According to www.lifestyle.com, they said most of markets have these systems and other things more than this two. For example if there are 10 markets, then at least 9 markets have searching systems and categories. But other people might say that in offline shopping, it is easy to shop too. In market there are staffs and papers. According to www.linkedin.com, they said there are many staffs who can help consumers. They can tell consumer what product is cheap or the product’s location. Also if consumers ask some questions, then they can answer it. And there are papers. When we go to market, we can get a paper about information of product. It helps a lot to shop in market for consumers. That may be true but staffs and papers could be fakes. Most of the staffs have a purpose to sell more and more. So they trick the consumers. They make people to buy wrong product. Also they trick the cost and make people think it is cheap and buy the product. Furthermore papers can be fakes too. They could write fake review about the product and also the fake cost. These fake things make people to waste money and buy wrong product. My third reason is online shopping mall opens 24hours. Online shopping opens everyday every time. We can shop in weekend and holiday or midnight and more later. We can shop when we want, not when the market wants. According to www.hungrypartier.com, they said that most markets close in Sunday and holidays such as HomePlus or Emart. Some people might say that in online shopping we can shop in holiday or weekend, but we can’t get the product. If we order the product, it needs to ship to our house. According to www.webshipping.dhl.com, they said average day of shipping is 1.8 days. We need to wait for almost 2 days. However in market if we shop we can get the product right now. That maybe most people don’t have time. Many people usually shop in weekend because they are so busy to shop on weekday. But if the shopping malls close on weekend than we can’t even see the product. Online shopping opens in weekend so we can shop. In this essay, I wrote about the issue of online shopping and why it is better than offline shopping. I presented three arguments as to why I strongly believe this way. My first argument was no crowds and rude people. As I mentioned before, in offline shopping we have too much people and also rude people or bad staffs. Even though online shopping could be full of people and server could be stop and also have a lot of dangers but still this situation is very rare and we a have security system to prevent problem. My second argument was it is easy to shop. In this argument I mentioned about difference of online and offline shopping. In online we have organized categories and searching system but in offline we don’t have. Even though we have staffs who can help, but they could trick consumers. My last argument is online shopping opens 24 hours. Online shopping opens every time and also holidays and weekend. Even though we can’t get the product in holiday but holiday in offline we can’t even see the product. Offline shopping may be good because we have staffs can help and we could experience the product. However online shopping has no crowds and rude people, it is easy to shop and opens 24 hours so online shopping have more benefits. After reading my assignment, I’m sure it is easy to see why you would never shop offline. I used various evidences to support my arguments to explain why online shopping is better. I hope you will agree with me and let other know too. 거침없이 읽고, 쓰고, 말하는 유기농영어, 라시움이 함께 합니다! 첨부파일
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