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라시움 교육철학 / 라시움 교육칼럼 / 라시움 투게더 동영상 / 라시움 LLI 교재 프로그램 문의

컨텐츠 내용

  1. 학습지원센터
  2. 거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들 조회 페이지
[디베이트 에세이] 파트 잡 참여에 찬성합니다 관리자 / 2017.06.25


Students learn by applying what they know to the reading and writing of increasingly complex texts;

학습을 잘하는 학생들을 보면 독서 등을 통하여 형성된 자신의 풍성한 배경지식을 활용하여 쉽게 많이 읽게 되고 그러한 지속적인 과정 속에서 점차 복잡한 주제의 글을 자신의 논리와 설득으로 쓰게 된다.

중학생이나 고등학생들이 파트타임 잡을 갖는 것에 대해서 여러분들은 어떻게 생각하시나요? 찬반이 있을 것이라 봅니다. 윤서( 3) 학생은 먼저 세상이 바뀌고 있다고 합니다. 4차 산업혁명을 맞이하여 단순히 학교교실이나 책상에서만 배우는 것으로는 충분하지 않다고 합니다. 또한 미래에 어떤 일을 할 것인지에 대해서 미리 경험해 보면서 자신의 미래 좌표를 수정해 볼 수도 있고, 독립성과 책임감을 키울 수 있다는 군요. 미국의 대학의 경우에 학교에서 끝나고 숙제를 열심히 한 것도 보지만 그것보다는 어떠한 추가적인 활동을 했는지에 대해서도 많이 고려한다고 하면서 근거도 제시해 줍니다. 여러분은 윤서의 생각에 동의하시나요?

세상이 바뀌고 있으며 기존의 학습방법만으로는 미래를 대비할 수 없다는 윤서의 말에 공감합니다. 이렇게 우리의 현실에 관련된 주제에 대해서 깊이 생각해 보고 자신의 주장을 논리적이고 창의적으로 정리해서 표현하는 윤서의 모습이 멋지군요.

이제 우리는 변화하는 세상 속에서 어떻게 자기 주도적으로 문제들을 파악하고 창의적으로 풀어낼 것인지를 학생들에게 가르쳐야 합니다. 이것을 위해서는 지속적으로 책을 읽고 현재 우리가 가진 문제들과 연결해서 생각해보고 또한 글로 쓰고 발표하면서 의견을 교류하는 일이 중요할 것입니다.




Students Should Have Part-Time Jobs

             Now day is world-wide, and global world. Scientists are working harder to follow the rapidly developing world, and everyone living in the world is changing accordingly. Some feel that the fourth industrial revolution is coming up, and the robot industry is expected to grow. So, how can we adapt to this changing society and adapt accordingly? Of course, it is better to make technology better than robots, and develop technologies more efficiently. Studying at school and studying other technologies does not help you when you look. So, what I am going to talk about and emphasize is a part-time job. Does this job help young people who need to further develop in the future? Many people become smarter, and in order to get accepted into a good university, studying is the most important thing to study. However, I think it is important to increase skills as well as studying during the youth age. Therefore, students should have part-time jobs because jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives. Also, jobs can help teens feel more confident and independent. Finally, jobs help teens develop a sense of responsibility.

             First, part-time jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives, such as how to fill out an application, how to interview well, how to work responsibly, and how to get along with co-workers and superiors. The students have the chance to experience the jobs and learn important skills. Think about this. If one students’ future dream is a barista, he can get a part-time job at a coffee shop and it can help him with his future career. If the job does not fit into his aptitude, the student has the chance to choose another career and can choose whichever profession he wants. According to localwise.com, it gives us many examples what students can do at their age. There are many kinds of jobs like local business jobs, food service jobs, entertainment jobs, and childcare and education jobs. While it is true, students have to study. Many other people like parents can think working will disturb their routine as student. They have lots of homework to do rather than working outside. By working, they are most likely to skip their classes if their shifts overlap their schedules. As a part-time worker, their schedules will not be regular and organized. As many people already knows, students at their age were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. According to articles.familylobby.com, include homework time and the extracurricular activities that colleges love to look at, working on part-time jobs can be too much. Most of the parents are worrying about “Are they teaching them the right things by letting them work?”, “Are they saving for college?”, “Are they spending it on frivolous things like CDs and miscellaneous junk that they will end up easily?” So there are so many parents who are wondering about the studies and the grades. However, Students do not work for 10 to 15 hours. They should be obliged to do school work, and in some countries, they can have part-time jobs in some parts of the country. It's important to get good grades, but I think it's important to know the importance of money and the importance of money for them. They're not working all day. This is a part-time job. It's not working all day. Working full-time like a regular job, not just a full-time job, but paying their bills according to their efforts. According to urbandictionary.com, part time job means that a jobs whose hours are generally anything up to 24 hours per week. Usually intended as a supplement to the full time staff. Depending on the company, part time jobs may or may not have guaranteed hours.

             Second, part-time jobs can help teens feel more confident and independent. These days, the ability to deal with young people alone has dropped considerably. The bigger the reason, the more trials and tribulations the students are relying on, the more they depend on their parents and people. According to humanservices.gov.au, it said that part time work or earnings or rural and remote students. They may be independent when they do part-time jobs. Over an 18 month period, they earn 75% or more of Wage Level A of the National Training Wage Schedule included in a modern award. While it is true, students who are working part-time jobs will be distracted with extra money and freedom earned. Most of the parents says that students are trending to spend their salary unnecessarily. For instance, girls will buy stuff like dresses or shoes and boys will buy other things that waste a lot of money. The parents are also afraid that they will start to learn smoking, illegal racing and drunk. Thus, they will most likely to be influenced by bad peers. According to content.com, having a part time job often implies no job security and in case of an economic crisis it is most likely that the company is going to let the part time workers go. The parents are arguing that the job securities cannot protect the students’ rights and the payments. However, not all the owners are bad and ignoring the students. They pay for each other, and depending on their ability, they pay differently depending on their ability or work. Nowadays, I have a part-time job at home, so I can earn money in leisure time at home. Also, there are many adults who worry about delinquent children nowadays, increasing the frequency of working part-time at home. According to dtnew24.com, there are many part-time job at home like blog posting part-time jobs. This is a rising star of the part-time jobs who have less time outside, so there are many safe part-time jobs in the world.

             Lastly, part-time jobs help teens develop a sense of responsibility. These days, when you look at elementary and middle school students, they tend to depend on their parents or teachers for homework. When looking at the students around, they are not responsible for their responsibilities. When they look at their homework, there are often lots of homework written by their parents or academy teachers instead of writing themselves. Like this, there is a lot of work done like that. According to jejusori.net, they are saying about the parents who write the homework for their sons or daughters. They have been paid to pay for the money, and are said to have paid approximately 246000 won per month for three months. But, as I mentioned, part-time jobs can develop the responsibilities to students. While it is true, students at their age should be involved with school activities and better hobbies instead of working. For example, in the weekend, they should spend time together by having picnic. By involving in these activities, students are not only taking part on healthier activities. According to brown.edu, it says about the classroom activities that students can do other time instead of part-time jobs. Like free writing, picnic, playing another sports. However, opting for a part-time job is very advantageous as students can choose their work hours as per your own convenience. If you are a student and have classes throughout the day, then you can choose to work during the afternoon or even the night. Otherwise if you are a mother or a father with a young child then you can work in the morning while he or she is at school or if you are an elderly person then you can decide for yourself whether you would like to work in the morning, afternoon or evening. According to wisestep.com, having a full time job does not give one the opportunity to choose his or her work hours. They are doing part time jobs, not full time jobs. So they can choose their time, and their time can be flexible.

             Do students still look like children? Of course, it could. But they have to develop a little more and grow bigger. Even though it seems comfortable enough, I believe they can develop a sense of responsibility and ability to develop a sense of responsibility, skills, confidence and skills through job selections and develop their jobs. I believe that it is important to increase another skill instead of studying math and science. I believe that their careers are more important than studying. Therefore, students should have part-time jobs because jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives. Also, part-time jobs can help teens feel more confident and independent. Finally, they can help teens develop a sense of responsibility. I hope it gives them a sense of confidence in their ability to do something more. I hope you are not too young, but you are very proud of yourself and praise you for being very proud. Let's hope the part-time job will help young people grow up in the future. Also, let's build all those societies together!

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