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  1. 학습지원센터
  2. 거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들 조회 페이지
[디베이트 Writing] 혼자 사는 삶 VS. 함께 사는 삶 관리자 / 2017.06.24


A literate life is the right of every child, and most students need expert teaching to have access to that life.”

영어로 거침없이 읽고 쓸 줄 아는 학생과 그렇지 못한 학생의 미래는 분명 다를 것입니다.

라시움 LLI와 같이 체계적인 리터러시(Literacy) 프로그램은 학생들에게 더 큰 기회의 문을 열어 줄 것 입니다.



희재( 6) 학생이 ‘Living Alone is Better than Living with Others’ 라는 주제에 대해 찬성의 입장에서 자신의 주장과 근거를 제시하고 있습니다. 특히 3가지를 이야기하고 있는데 프라이버시, 건강, 그리고 관계의 측면에서 풀어주고 있군요. 무엇보다도 자신의 주장에 대해 외국의 언론에 발표된 내용들을 제시하는 모습이 좋습니다.


이렇게 단순히 자신의 입장만을 주장하는 것이 아니라 논리성과 그에 수반하는 객관적 증거도 제시하려는 훈련을 계속 하여 글을 써 본다는 것은 희재 학생의 미래에 큰 힘이 될 것이라 믿습니다.

Living Alone is Better than Living with Others


    Have you ever thought about living with your roommates? If you live together, many bad things can happen. For example, we cannot have our privacy, there can me many problems with our roommates and you cannot have your own time. However, there are so many advantages when we live alone. We can have our privacy, we can take care of our health and relationship, we can be independent, and we don’t get along. Like this, today I will introduce the reason why living alone is better than living together. Also, I will introduce my opinion against living together, too. Firstly, there is no privacy. Second, we can take care of our health. Third, we can take care of our relationship. You’ll strongly feel that living alone is better.

    My first opinion is that there is no privacy when we live together. We live together so we cannot have our personal time. It can be noisy and can break your break time. Also the situation of each other is different so we can’t imagine what could happen. For example, you were enjoying your break time when your roommate isn’t home, but suddenly came with his or her friends. It will be terrible. According to www.aarp.org, they interviewed people of various age. Twenties said that their roommates are unfair. Thirties said that they are not so friendly at all and thinks that it is not so good. However, there are more good ways to solve this like making rules. We can be close because of this and maybe it will be a good way to understand each other. But, even if we try to talk in a good way, what if my roommate hates to talk with me? Trying to solve the problem of both can be a waste of time and during talking to each other, our relationship can be worse.

    My second opinion is that we can take care of our health. When we live together, there are more people so cooking can be annoying so we eat so many instant foods. That will make us into a dangerous way. Also you can fight with choosing a person to cook. When we live alone, we can just take care of my food so it is not that annoying. According to https://aits.gov.au, they said that the people who live alone have more vitality. Maybe many people thinks that we can feel depressed about being alone, but as I said in my first argument, it is just a chance to rest peacefully. That’s why that the people who live alone have more vitality.

    My third opinion is that we can take care of our relationship. We don’t have to get permission so we can easily call your friends. It is so easy to play without any arguing or fighting. Also as I said, we can have a bad memory like fighting with many reasons so it is better to live alone. According to www.stats.govt.nz said that the people who live alone can have more time to meet others or do SNS, and that means it is very good at many ways. However, they think that people living others are always connecting with them. But when we’re not a good friend, it can be just disgusting to see each other.

    Today, I wrote about the reason for and against living alone. I had three arguments: First is that we have no privacy. Home is our personal place so we can rest happily. There are no people who want to live in a noisy house. My second opinion was that we can take care of our health. When we live together, cooking is very annoying so we eat fast foods and junk foods. Therefore, it will get you a bad outcome. When we live alone, I just have to take care of myself so it is comfortable. My third opinion is that we can take care of relationship. It is very easy to meet or call your friend. Also, you don’t fight with your roommate so we can keep a good relationship. However, when we live together, we can solve many problems by conversation. However, I think it is just a waste of time and emotion when we can’t solve it. Secondly, we can feel depressed about being alone but people who live alone can just think that it is a time to rest. Third, people think that they are always connecting but when we’re not a friendly, it is not good. After reading my writing, you’ll feel that there are more advantages when you live alone. In this writing, I think I had a god point to rebut. You must live alone if you want to have better life. I hope that you’ll agree with my opinion. Thank you!

거침없이 읽고, 쓰고, 말하는 유기농영어,


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