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거침없이 쓰는 아이들
[디베이트 에세이] 학생으로서 아르바이트(파트타임 잡) 참여에 반대합니다! | 관리자 / 2017.04.20 | |
디베이트를 바탕으로 한 에세이 찬반이 분명하게 나뉠 수 있는 주제를 바탕으로 자신의 입장을 분명히 하고 그에 대한 주장과 근거를 통해서 상대를 설득하는 과정은 성숙한 민주시민이 되기 위한 가장 기본입니다. 이를 위해서는 평소에 많은 독서도 중요하지만 항상 사회적 이슈에 대해서 생각해 보고 자신만의 입장과 그에 대한 논거를 찾아보는 것이 중요하겠지요.
아래의 글은 ‘학생으로서 아르바이트라 불리는 파트타임 일에 대해서 어떻게 생각하는가?’ 라는 주제에 대해서 예지(중 2) 학생이 ‘학생들은 파트타임 일을 해서는 안 된다(Students Should Not Have Part-Time Jobs.)’ 라는 입장에서 자신의 주장과 그에 대한 논거들을 정리하여 쓴 글입니다. 파트타임의 문제로는 공부할 시간을 빼앗기고 건강상 문제가 생길 수 있으며, 특히 청소년들이 하기에는 약자로서 받아야 하는 불이익이 너무 많다고 주장하는군요. 그에 대한 객관적 근거들을 주로 보도매체를 리서치하여 제시했습니다. 예지학생과 같이 논쟁적 주제에 대해 평소에 생각해 보고 글을 쓰고 친구들과 토론을 해보는 것은 4차 혁명을 향해 가고 있는 우리 학생들이 창의적 문제해결 능력과 의사소통 능력을 키울 수 있는 소중한 기회가 될 것이라 봅니다.
Students Should Not Have Part-Time Jobs Almost half of the youth employment centers are unfair to part time students. They didn't specify working conditions, and minimum wage was not given. In fact, they did not even pay their wage at all. Among them, 58 percent did not specify the working condition. Some of the employment centers abused students, too. Do you want your children to work in these environment? Would you like to work in this place? I'm sure you won't want to work. Students should not have part time jobs. Part time jobs lead students to have low score, because it takes time to study. Being a part time job will be a major reason for lowering your grades and shortcut to health worsening. Maybe, it can remain a bad memory for students. Therefore, government should limit students having part time job. Parents also have to limit student's working. Now, I will write about why students should not have part time job. First, they have academic disadvantages. If students have part time jobs, they have to do school work and part time job at same time. This mean, students have less time to do their homework or school work. Also, they will have higher rate of absenteeism because they have to do part time job. Because students have less school involvement, they will get lower grade in their school. And low scores will affect the future of students. According to www.huffingtonpost.com, it said having a job in high school could drop your children's score-A to C, for instance. Also it say students spent 49 minutes less on homework. Besides, Students will have no physical strength after working part time jobs. So it will be harder to concentrate on studying. Some people say having part time jobs help students to experience various jobs. They said it will help students to choose their future and jobs. Students will be successful in job hunt and able to learn many skills. Also students are able to do school work, by control their schedule or condition. Yes, experience many jobs is important, too. However, Student's duty is "to study". They have to participate in study, as long as they are students. If they have low grades in school because of part time jobs, they might not go to college they want. Besides, they can't have a job they want. Students need to know that study is priority. Second, having part time job is not good for students' health and it is not safe. Usually, students have to do part time jobs at night because they have to go to school at day. If they work instead of sleeping, they will have health problem. They have lack of sleep, and will always be exhausted. If they become ill, it will give bad effect to both studying and working. They will have stress, too. Besides, students can get hurt while working. Accidents could happen by lifting heavy stuff . And there is strong possibility that students will work in unsafe places. According to living.thebump.com, it said employed teenagers might be exposed adults who have unhealthy or illegal habits, such as smoking, or usage of alcohol and drug. Therefore, part time jobs make children to be unhealthy. However, some people rebut, students could control their condition by modulate their schedule. They could have part time jobs at day, instead of night. Otherwise, if students work part time jobs during the vacation, they won't have health problem because they have enough time to rest. Also, there is no problem when students do part time jobs, just 1~2 hours a day. But, students are not able to modulate their schedule easily because they have to go to school and academy. They will have difficulty to move their schedule, and control their condition. Also most students have part time jobs to earn money. If they have part time jobs in vacation, it will be hard to earn enough money. So most of students will do part time jobs, not only in vacation. With hard working, teenagers will be unhealthy and become tired. Third, teenagers are inexperienced. Well, teenagers are not adults, and they are not all grown. So there may be something lacking. They are may not be able to do the jobs well. Also, they can be treated unfairly and even exploited by co-workers or employees. According to munwha news, it said about unfair treatment. There were 137 cases of employment without specifying employment conditions, and 68 cases without minimum wage were cited. Like this, many students are treated unfairly. Even so, some have not received any pay. Secondly, it can give students bad memories. Students might have trauma and have problem when they have a job. According to ytn news, it said teenagers are at risk of sexual harassment. If students have part time jobs, teens are exposed to many dangers. Some people said, students should have part time job to experience society. Because students do not have experiences, they make experiences by doing part time job. Having a part time job, gaining experience and gaining responsibility can lead to good effects. Also if students treated unfairly, students can report to ministry of labor. However, students are difficult to declare. There are few ministry of labor, and report procedure is complicated. Besides, it is hard to get paid properly because employment centers said it was inevitable happen. Youth part time job hurt teenagers. To protect students, students should not have part time jobs. Having part time jobs will be a bad experience for teens and will have bad effects. Having part time jobs cause students to have academic disadvantages. They won't participate to school work, and have little time to do homework. As a result, they will get lower grades, and it will have bad effect. Also it will harm students' health. They will be exhausted, and be always tired. Lastly, teenagers are inexperienced. They may not be able to do job well, and sometimes they will treated badly. Therefore, government and parents have to limit students having part time job. Students have to pay attention to study, and should be safe. Please remember that youth part time job cause these problems. 거침없이 읽고 쓰고 말하는 유기농영어교육, 라시움이 함께 합니다! 첨부파일
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