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  2. 거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들 조회 페이지
[디베이트 BMW Writing] 자율주행 자동차에 대한 찬반 관리자 / 2017.04.16


A Meaningful Output

영어로 아무 내용이나 많이 쓰고 말하면 Writing이나 Speaking을 잘 하는 것일까? 당연히 아닐 것이다.

왜냐하면 output 은 상대편이 존재하고 그 상대편의 생각과 교류(negotiate meaning) 해야 할 목적이 있기 때문이다.

흔히 영어 쓰기의 초보자들에게 영어로 써보라고 하면 그냥 반복적인 단어나 문장을 계속 쓰면서 양만 늘리는 경향이 있다. 물론 영어로 쓰는 것이 대견하고 일단 칭찬하는 것이 맞지만, 다음 단계는 목적 (Narrative, information, opinion, poetry)에 맞게 어떻게 전략적으로 쓸지 가르쳐 주는 것이 선생님의 역할이다.



자율주행 자동차에 대해서 어떻게 생각하시나요? 최근 보도에 의하면 자율주행 자동차의 선두주자인 테슬라가 4월 초에는 미국 GM을 제치고 미국 자동차 업체 시가총액 1위 자리에 올라 섰다고 합니다.

메이저 회사들에 비해서 판매량도 너무나 적고 5년 연속적자임에도 이렇게 높은 평가를 받는 것은 사람들이 자율주행자동차에 대한 관심이 매우 높다는 것을 반증합니다.

하지만 자율주행자동차가 그에 상응하는 역할을 잘 해낼 수 있을까요?

민서( 1) 학생은 신기술이 미래에 우리 삶의 질을 더욱 높일 수 있다고 하여도 그 이면에는 위험이 도사리고 있어서 본인은 자율주행자동차에 대해서 반대한다고 합니다. 그에 대한 근거로 첫째 컴퓨터를 기반으로 하고 있기에 에러가 있을 수 있고, 해킹의 위험과 갑자기 작동이 멈추는 문제가 있을 수 있다고 합니다. 둘째로는 새로운 일자리가 생긴다고 하여도 사라지는 인간들의 일자리가 더 많을 것이고 셋째로는 인간과 같은 정교한 오감 능력이 없기에 믿을 수 없다고 합니다.

이러한 민서 학생의 주장에 대해서 여러분은 어떻게 생각하시나요? 민서의 글을 읽어보시면서 그 반대되는 입장들도 정리해 보시는 것은 어떨까 합니다.

                                We Should Not Have More Self-Driving Cars

             How much do you think people rely on technology? People rely on it more than you think. For example, we watch videos, do our work, move to another place quickly, and other things. However, you should know this. Computers aren’t perfect as you think. Nowadays, people’s attentions are turning to automatic technology. People try to find a way to use it safer, and more comfortable. One of it is self-driving car, the car drives automatically. Some people say this technology will make people life quality higher, and it is the future of the driving. However, it has disadvantages that are hidden behind advantages. Self-driving cars are unreliable and will make driving much more dangerous. There should not be more self-driving cars.

             First, computers aren’t perfect. They make errors, get hacked, can stop working, and such things. These things will lead to enormous accidents. For example, if the hackers hack self-driving car, they will use it in bad purpose, like terrors or using private information, and will make people dangerous. According to theguardian.com, Eddie Schwartz, the vice president of global security solutions for Verizon’s enterprise subsidiary, said the cyber security industry is still 40 years from adulthood, and that the first half of the 21st century will see the number of targets increase rapidly. However, humans make more mistakes. Also, in phys.org, Raj Rajkumar, a computer engineering professor at Carnegie Mellon University who has led autonomous vehicle research for 15 years, said that “We cannot expect any technology, any solution to be perfect all the time.” However, I disagree because humans make more accidents. They break rules, over speed, and make accidents. According to geekwire.com, it says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents up to 90 percent. It said most of car-crashes happen because of human’s mistake. Even though computers make errors, it will still be less than the accidents caused by humans. However, computers will cause more serious, and more accidents. According to a report by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute, for every million miles driven, self-driving cars had 9.1 crashes, compared to just 1.9 for regular vehicles. In addition, self-driving cars caused five times more accidents than ordinary cars. This research shows why computers will cause more accidents.

             Second, self-driving cars will make people lose their job. For example, drivers will lose their job because the car drives itself. Many people has job related to driving something. What will happen to them if self-driving car goes into society? According to sfchronicle.com, Tesla, who is CEO of Tesla warned of loss of job. He said, “If you have self-driving cars, then what happens to the 12 percent of the population whose job it is to drive a car or drive a truck?” Many people will their job, and that will cause a big backlash. On the other hand, self-driving cars will create new jobs. According to fortune.com, there are more than 2 thousand job postings related to self-driving cars. For example, there are software engineer, program manager, and such things. However, the loss of job will be bigger than new jobs. According to latimes.com, most of the people making money by driving taxis, buses, vans, and trucks don’t own college degrees. This means, they will be hard to get jobs related to self-driving cars, because they don’t know about the technologies related to self-driving cars. In result, many people will lose their jobs, and become jobless. It would be a big problem. The loss of job will damage economy, and the country will shake.

             Lastly, self-driving cars aren’t reliable. We, humans, communicate to each other with a hand gestures, eye connection, and. We see it, and know how to act in this situation. How about computers? How can they interact with other human drivers? According to popularmechanics.com, to make machine interact with human, it would require very complex technology. If self-driving cars goes into society with incomplete technology, it would just end with lots of accidents. Also, when accidents happen, who is responsible? The person who was inside the car? Or the company that made the car? It would cause big confusion. In addition, can self-driving cars go through unpredictable situations, like bad weathers, or place with no GPS? According to roboticstrends.com, it said only depending on GPS can limit efficiency and reliability. For example GPS can’t direct self-driving cars through a narrow doorway or prevent a collision inside a parking garage. In addition, according to autoinsurance.com, self-driving cars are not able to always operate at a high level of safety in weather conditions. Heavy rain can damage the laser sensor seriously, and cause accidents. Also, frozen flakes caked on radar sensors, which essential to reading the road. However, they test them all before they sell it. They test situations that can happen, so that accidents won’t happen. If they find error during testing, they find a solution to delete that error. According to Bloomberg.com, Tesla tested self-driving cars in California public road. Self-driving cars drove total 550 miles, and after it, they responded to technical problems. This shows how companies test them, and prevent accidents. But I disagree because the world is full with not expected events. According to businessinsider.com, it said even though self-driving cars can see transportations near it, but it can’t predict and go over unpredictable situations, like cutting in.

             In conclusion, self-driving cars will make driving much more dangerous. It would also cause other massive problems. It won’t be perfect, make people lose their jobs, and it isn’t reliable. The government mustn’t have more self-driving cars. It will cause more accidents and threaten our safety. If you don’t hope to this situation come in reality, there should be no more self-driving cars!

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