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  1. 학습지원센터
  2. 거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들

거침없이 쓰는 아이들 조회 페이지
13회 ESU 영어말하기대회 본선 장려상 - The Happiest Moment in My Life 관리자 / 2017.03.27


The Joy of Learning at Lyceum



영어가 일상에서 사용되지 않는 EFL 환경인 한국에서 학습자가 영어를 진정으로 사용 할수 있는 English Users가 된다는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이지만 그만큼 값진 일 입니다. 라시움 학생 들의 이런 도전에 큰 격려와 박수를 보내며 거침없이 읽고 쓰고 말하는 영어교육을 추구하는 유기농영어라시움을 통해서 2017년 한해도 큰 열매를 맺으시길 바랍니다.


다음은 지난 2 18일에코리아중앙데일리와 주한 영국대사관이 공동주최하고 ESU KOREA가 주관하는 ESU 영어말하기 대회에참가하여 본선 초등부 고학년부에서 전국 장려상을 수상한 김도현 학생의 글입니다. 이 대회는 국내 말하기대회중 최고 권위를 자랑하는 대회로 고등부는 전세계 말하기대회 한국 국가대표를 선발하는 대회입니다. 앞으로도 라시움 학생들의 많은 도전을 기대합니다.







         The Happiest Moment inMy Life

                                                                                             김 O O ( 6)



When I first heard the topic for this competition two memories instantly crossed my mind. One, when I went to Hong Kong with my family, two, the day I (aged thirteen) went to theawards with my friends. I spent all my time and thoughts on trying to pick one of the two memories. And finally came up with two questions, “Why can’t I writeboth?” and “Isn’t the happiest moment of a human changed by some kind ofelement through the growing process?” Which led me to more questions. If I hadto choose my happiest moment when I turned twenty wouldn’t it be the first dateI had with my attractive future boyfriend? Or if I was married and living withmy kids wouldn’t my favorite moment be when I pulled out all my strength and sweat and first met my precious baby? Leaving those questions aside, I would like to introduce my happiest moment when I was eight and one when I was thirteen and would like you to while listening, think how age would affect your happiest moment.


 The airplane starting moving and feeling scared I tightly held my mother. The flight attendant gave me a little toy airplane for me to fiddle with and I calmed down and started enjoying the ride. We went around the city on the two decker bus and the only thing that interested me was the Disney store. We stopped and started looking around the store. My favorite ducky in the world Donald Duck was all over the store. As Itightly held a Donald Duck stuffy and looked around the store I could see that there was a Disney Plastic Model Show was going on, that our family stopped to see. I saw Micky and Mini hugging each other. Eeew and Snow White and Cinderella and finally Donald Duck. While I was looking at a plastic model of Donald Duck, I noticed that mom and dad wasn’t behind me or beside me. I panicked and asked the Donald Duck for help but there was no answer. I started crying and shouting at the same time. “Mom! Dad!” I cried out. But there was no answer. Then a ray of light blinded my eyes and my mother came running past the shoppers in the store. She started checking me and asking me tons of question but the only thought that past through me head was relief and happiness of meeting my mother. The worst moment of my life became the happiest moment of my life.


But as I grew older and older I starting moving away from my family and in to a new category of my life; friends. Friends never told me what to do and what not to do and they were always beside my side. They mostly like the things I did and we shared common interests together. My friends were the happiness to my life. And still is. Being with them is always happy and full of laughter and joy but there was one moment when I felt the happiest in my life. One my friends asked me one afternoon that her mother (a Korean celebrity) invited me and other friends to the end of the year awards! When we arrived at the awards we saw all the hot celebrities and our idols andI thought that was the reason I was happy. But as I thought about it over all home I realized that the reason I was happy was because I had friends to enjoy that moment together. If I had no friends to enjoy that moment with me would Ibe happy? My answer is no. I think that at my age my friends are the important element for me to become happy. Thirteen years-old Jennifer’s happiness was friends…


Now, have you thought about how age affects your happiness? For me when I was eight my world was mostly full of my family but when I was thirteen my world was mostly full of friends. My age can influence what will be beside me and what will not be. But age is just one element to a happiest moment. And there are many other elements that will be important to one person’s happiest moment such as place, person, or objects. Regardless of the elements that effect your happiest moment, the most important thing is thinking about the happiest moment itself. Many people due to their busy life do not have the small minute to think about their happiest moment. So if we get the time what kind of advantages can we get from knowing our happiest moment? We will be able to take a big step forward in ourlife. And since I know this fact I know that I will indeed take a gigantic step forward than anyone.  That is why I am looking forward to my happiest moment when I become twenty. Now everyone stand up! It’s time to explore your happiest moment and share this amazing fact to everyone in the world.



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